Monday, October 21, 2013

Ready or not?

This is the question I ask whenever I am meeting with a new client. It's great you understand your small business needs marketing but are you ready for the growth that creative marketing can create?  If offering great customer service to your clients is your biggest priority, this is something that you need to think about before beginning any marketing strategy.
Why?  Because if you grow to fast, your not going to be able to consistently offer the service that you clients have come to expect.
How do you prevent this?  Prepare, plan and create a strategy.  Put things in place in advance so as you grow, nothing suffers.
Feedback?  Ask your current clients how you can improve on the service that you are already providing them.  They may offer you some fantastic advice that you can put in place immediately.  Customers are great sources for new and creative ideas.
Ready or not your business is going to grow with proper marketing so.... get ready.  If you are a bit scared, that's natural.  Growing your business can be as scary as starting out new.  But it is also exciting so embrace the excitement of where your company is headed.  And grow, grow, grow!

Here are a few simple tips you can begin instantly to market your business
1) Pick one form of social media and get social. Remember, don't sell, talk!
2) Change your voice mail!  Listen toy our voice mail and if it makes you cringe, change it.  Now!  This may be the very first impression a new client may have and it has to be a good one.
3) Build your referral base.  Call one client today and ask for a referral.  Just one!

Until next time, Happy Marketing!

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